Wednesday, January 26, 2011

My Little Trenton

Trenton my love, You are my sweet monkey man. I love to start my day with your precious "Hi Mommy" when I get you out of bed.  You love to snuggle and I hold on so tight every time, as I thank the Lord for each day He gives me with you.  Thank you for the countless joys you bring with your contagious giggle, your determined and mission-focused exploring play, and your tender hearted touch that gently places a kiss on my nose as you hold my cheeks in your tiny hands.  I pray the Lord soon enraptures your soul and makes you a mighty servant for His kingdom. You are such an amazing gift Trenton I will always love you my baby.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

My Sweet Brayden

Brayden my sweet love. I wanted to capture some of the many faces of you, the faces that make me laugh as I see your happy spirit shine forth. You have brought us more joy than I ever could have imagined was possible. I love your happy, easy-going personality, your way of making your brother giggle like no one else can. You are ever imagining, ever playing, and always a blessing to me. I thank the Lord for you daily and pray that He would make Himself beautiful to you, that you would be called to Him and live your life in His service for His glory. I will always love you baby. Love, Mommy
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