Friday, December 3, 2010

Photo Shoot

We have some wonderful photographers in the family who were kind enough to come and do a photo shoot for us. We all love the results!!! THANK YOU Stapleton Photography!
Here are my favorites, enjoy!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

"I love you Mommy"

From Drop Box

A video of Brayden singing my favorite song! ;)

  "Brayden, this makeup is very important and fragile, and it's not for you to touch okay?" Brayden: yes maam'"
  20 minutes later... Hmm, I'm thinking it got touched, aren't you? But, I was rather impressed with his skills!! aah!
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Mommy's Photo Shoot

Ok, so it's true, planning and putting together outfits for my precious children is one of my favorite hobbies. My Dad says, you always loved dressing your baby dolls, I guess now you're getting to dress live baby dolls"! Well, you're exactly right Dad, and this is WAY more fun! ;) So, this particular day my sweet boys looked very photo worthy to me, so here they are. I love these happy children with my life!! Thank you awesome God for each of them!
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Monday, November 29, 2010

A couple of Saturdays ag0 our dear and lifelong friend Megan came to visit for the day! We hadn't seen her in years, so she got to meet Trenton, and Ethan and Mason for the first time and we got to meet precious, nearly 1 year old Riley!! What a great day we had together! Brian and I are SOO grateful for precious freinds who are also brothers and sisters in Christ, like Megan!

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Pumpkin carving party

Well, here's a few pics from a few weeks back of our little Batman, Nemo and 2 peas in a pod!!
We had a great time at church for a pumpkin carving party complete with a gospel analogy as the pumpkins were cleaned out, made beautiful, and had a light put inside them!! :)

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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Big Smiles!

Speaking of making you smile, I know these smiles sure get a BIG one out of me! These little BIG brothers, get along SO well, about 90% of the time, I'm so thankful for the way they interact. It's so fun! In the bottom pic they have just gotten their new super hero capes from Aunt D and they're flying all around the house, stopping just long enough to say CHEESE to the camera!
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testing, testing...

Hello family and friends!! I am starting a blog! I'm not entirely familiar with this process, so as I get familiar I will post some random things for your enjoyment, but soon I hope to be able to use this as a quick, regular, method of keeping our loved ones, (you) up to date with our lives! There's usually something humorous, exciting or stressful in each and everyday around here, so this is where I plan to tell you about it. We'll see how it goes!
Thanks for stopping by,  hope it made you smile! Here, enjoy a few pics while you're here. There's also a link at the bottom to my Picasa web Album, so I will let you know when I update that as well, because sometimes, I can't choose just a few photos! ;)

~Christina a.k.a. Princess (in case you weren't sure which family member held that's me :)