Hello family and friends!! I am starting a blog! I'm not entirely familiar with this process, so as I get familiar I will post some random things for your enjoyment, but soon I hope to be able to use this as a quick, regular, method of keeping our loved ones, (you) up to date with our lives! There's usually something humorous, exciting or stressful in each and everyday around here, so this is where I plan to tell you about it. We'll see how it goes!
Thanks for stopping by, hope it made you smile! Here, enjoy a few pics while you're here. There's also a link at the bottom to my Picasa web Album, so I will let you know when I update that as well, because sometimes, I can't choose just a few photos! ;)
~Christina a.k.a. Princess (in case you weren't sure which family member held that title...it's me :)
I LOVE this! You are always so creative P.C. (Princess Christina)! I will look forward to updates. Love you bunches, Aunt Nan